Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Day 7

Can you believe that The Thankfulness Experiment has been live for one week?  It's been both fun and challenging starting this blog... fun in that I get to see all the reasons that you are thankful each day and that encourages and inspires me.  Purple Pam summed it up so well today "Thankful for smiles and warm fuzzies I feel when I read others' thankfulness.  We are all so blessed!"  I agree, Pam.  I hope you can take the time to read what others are sharing.  It helps multiply my own  thankfulness! 

And now for the challenging part... as of last week, I was not super technological.  And now, while I'm still not super technological, I have a blog, I'm on Twitter and I just got on Facebook.  I know, I'm pretty crazy to do it all at once!  It's been a bit of a roller coaster, but God has blessed me with so many friends to help me navigate this new world of technology.  Thank you, friends, for helping me, encouraging me, and praying for me as I dive into the 21st Century! 

Now that we've been working on this experiment for a week, it's time to answer some of the questions that you might have.  Today, I'm going to answer the question... why 66 days?  And that's a great question.  Honestly, when I was planning the blog, it was for two months, or a total of 61 days.  A few days before the launch, a question popped into my head... how long does it take to form a habit?  Because if thankfulness is as beneficial as research suggests (check day 1 blog for some research findings), then why not strive to make it a habit as part of this experiment?  After a quick Google search, I discovered that it takes 66 days for form a habit to the point that it becomes automatic (or as automatic as it's gonna get :)).  Check out this website for more info:

So here we are - on a 66 day journey to turn thankfulness into a habit.  I am much more aware of things I'm thankful for since November 1st and find myself thanking God at random points throughout the day.  Are any of you experiencing this too?  I want to put this week's memory verse into practice "I will praise God's name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving."  Psalm 69:30  So, today I am thankful for:

1.  Hot apple cider
2.  Playing a game with my niece and my son
3.  Being able to help my mom out by watching my niece
4.  A working washer and dryer so I can do laundry at home
5.  Fall decorations at my house

OK, and I have to sneak in a bonus one today... hearing my boys giggle while playing with their daddy... it's music to my ears! 

Here's to 10,000 reasons... only 9,177 more to go...

Stay tuned for the answer to Why 10,000 reasons tomorrow...  :) 


  1. 1. My fifth graders working so incredibly quietly because they could tell I needed it this morning. Love them!
    2. Watching friends pull together to help each other.
    3. Words of praise and appreciation.
    4. Hearing words of Godly women at Bible study.
    5. My neighbors (because they are great!).

  2. 1. Having roast beef and potatos for dinner - my favorite meal.
    2. Seeing the absolute joy on my younger daughter's face as she got her first invitation to a birthday party for someone at school.
    3. Listening to my daughter read to me before she went to bed.
    4. Watching both girls tackle timed math tests, determined to do well.
    5. A great spinning class to start my day.

    1. We had roast beef and potatoes last night, too!

    2. Nice - it is still my favorite!

  3. 1. I am thankful that my 2year old loves to be read to - even if she wants the same books read over and over and over again!

    2. I am thankful to hear that said 2 year old finish my sentences to those familiar books "reading" all on her own.

    3. I am thankful for friends who call to check on me - making sure I'm in a good place and that I know how much God loves me and is protecting me.

    4. I am thankful for tootsie roll pops!!

    5. I am thankful for the opportunity to use my "adult skills" with a nonprofit while being a stay-at-home mom at the same time!

  4. I am thankful for an inspiring lunchtime meeting/ presentation about a local filming of Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, a wonderful, feel-good show.
    In that vien, I am thankful for...
    People who give everything they have and all their energy to help make the world a better place (like the families featured on the show),
    The power of communities when they come together for a greater cause,
    The generosity of companies and volunteers who donated everything needed to build a deserving family a new home, and
    The varied gifts God has given us so that people are talented on so many different ways.
    Catherine A.

  5. I am thankful that I can be a witness for Christ and prayerful that I will be at every opportunity.
    I am thankful for the Global Health Missions conference at Southeast Christian Church.
    I am thankful for those who choose to practice medicine.
    I am thankful for praise and worship music.
    I am thankful for a sister who knows me so well that at times we say the same thing at the same time.

  6. I am thankful for my girlfriends.
    I am thankful for the opportunity to get away for the long weekend with friends.
    I am thankful for the beauty of the mountains.
    I am thankful for kim combest.
    I am thankful for Denise holloway. 😊

  7. I am thankful that my early onset menopause, osteoporosis and wrinkles helped me stand in as a "grandparent" for my kids' lunch @ school today.
    I am thankful for the lunch with my fabulous friend, mentor, student.
    I am thankful for no homework so my kids can play outside with their friends before it gets dark.
    I am thankful for the cool ideas I heard in Bible study today.
    I am thankful for the teachers my children have at school.

  8. I am thankful for a fun day at UofL with my daughter Carolyn,
    for a parking spot at UofL,
    for the joy our sweet hamster, "Pennie" brought us before she passed away today,
    for the bravery the Lord gave me to handle Pennie and a bird that hit our window and died (much bravery needed to handle two dead animals - VERY thankful),
    for beautiful weather for lots of outside walking today, and
    for Heather and Elizabeth, who filled in for me today!

  9. 1. The ability to forgive and to be forgiven.
    2. A walk on a crisp morning with a friend who needed a friend.
    3. The sweet whisper of the Holy Spirit.
    4. 3 point coconut Greek yogurt :-)
    5. Romantic love
    Wow what a peek at my random heart and mind

  10. 1. Time with my husband.
    2. I get to enjoy my daughter's creativity.
    3. My chiropractor.
    4. Warm clothes.
    5. Compassionate co-workers.

    Debbie D.

  11. 6. Thankful for a text from my cousin telling me he was praying for me today.

    Debbie D.

  12. Ashley A.
    I am thankful for:
    1. A good nights rest.
    2. Money to buy groceries.
    3. Friends to make me laugh.
    4. An able body to get around.
    5. The sight of snow first thing this morning.
    6. A good end to my day.
    7. Freedom of speech and being able to stand up for my beliefs.
    8. Kind strangers who give a smile.
    9. My niece who lights up my world.
    10. My relationship with my brothers.

  13. Purple Pam
    1) Thankful for amazing sisters in an amazing Bible Study.
    2) Thankful for my new CPAP machine & better quality sleep.
    3) Thankful that flu shots are out of the way.
    4) Thankful that I got to help me Gboy with his homework & he is smart!
    5) Thankful that today is Friday EVE!!!!

  14. 1. For the laughter I shared with my girls tonight.
    2. For hearing them right now, speaking kindly to each other, being the best of friends.
    3. For seeing two big projects come to a successful end.
    4. For coupons!
    5. For the ability to still hear my sweet momma's voice and the bluetooth gagety thingy that allows me to call her hands free on my long drive home. (yes, I know people say that is still not safe but...)

  15. Amanda L.
    I'm thankful for missionaries.
    I'm thankful for able to work.
    I'm thankful for wildflowers .
    I'm thankful for listening to music with Madison.
    I'm thankful for Linda Fox.

  16. 1. For great discussion in Bible Study this morning
    2. For the leading of the Holy Spirit especially when you realize it was in a way you never would have expected
    3. For quiet time at the end of the day with my hubby

  17. The keyboard froze on me so now I'll finish
    4. To be able to serve
    5. For my kindle app


  18. 1.I am thankful that Tennille helps me remember the little things that matter.
    2.I am thankful for heat – it was only 40 degrees this morning and that’s cold for this Florida girl!
    3.I am thankful for Joel Osteen’s message today. On time & relevant.
    4.I am thankful for two friends that provided their expertise for my school paper.
    5.I am thankful for an unplanned dinner at one of my favorite restaurants with some favorite peeps.


  19. 1. I am thankful for getting a job interview
    2. I am thankful for understanding my study guide
    3. I am thankful for my friends coming to Biola
    4. I am thankful for the cold weather
    5. I am thankful for not a lot of homework

  20. 1. Seeing the sunrise
    2. Being done with online training
    3. Mastering new drink recipes at Starbucks
    4. NAPS!!
    5. The softness of my dogs ears
    6. Gas in my car
    7. Dish washing machines
    8. Soy milk
    9. Clean clothes
    10. A piece of chocolate at the end of a long day
