Monday, November 19, 2012

Day 19

Do you ever have one of those days where you feel blessed, really blessed?  Well, today was one of those days for me.  Now the blessings were not anything extravagant... they were just little blessings woven into the fabric of my day.  But when lots of little blessings are knit together, it adds up to big blessings in my book.

It all started with meeting two gals who are helping me plan a Winter Retreat.  I've never planned a retreat before, and God has definitely lined up the perfect pair to partner with me on this.  Not only do they both have experience in retreat planning, but they were also filled with great ideas about marketing strategies, next steps and scheduling.  The wisdom they shared was invaluable to me.  I'm super blessed that God raised up these two ladies for the retreat planning leadership team!

Well, our meeting ran a little long and I had to rush to pick up my three year old from pretty-school (his name for preschool).  I said a little prayer asking God to expand my time... and even specifically requested that school get out a little late today.  God is good... I showed up and the car pool line was still inching along AND I wasn't even the last parent there.  I was the second to last parent, but not the last one...

My three year old took a great nap and I got some quiet time with God.  My seven year old had no homework.  Dinner was easy and everyone ate it (that's a five-star meal in my book when two picky boys are at the table).  My seven year old got to have some special one-on-one time with his Daddy at Cub Scouts.  And they even did something secret afterwards that can't be shared with Mommy.  Special memories were made tonight.  I love it!

See, nothing extravagant... just little blessings that God wove into my day.  I'm discovering the beauty of my days as I become aware of the blessings and take time to express my thankfulness.  Are you discovering the little blessings God weaves into your day too?  I can't wait to see what blessings you share with me today!

Ephesians 5:19-20 are the memory verses for this week.  Why, you ask?  Because yesterday God used these verses to remind me that I need to always give thanks to Him for everything.  Writing this verse on my heart will help me remember to be thankful even when I don't feel like it.  And the verses seem quite fitting too since this week is Thanksgiving.  So remember to "Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ."  

Today, I am thankful for...

1.  My two retreat planning friends and the wisdom they shared
2.  A beautiful fall day that allowed us to meet outside for a bit
3.  God's grace in getting me to pretty-school on time
4.  Hot drinks that warm from the inside out
5.  My hubby who loves me so much
6.  Unexpected compliments
7.  My neighbor who is a nurse
8.  Benedryl
9.  Prayers of my son
10.  Each of you joining me in this experiment!

Here's to 10,000 reasons... Only 7,788 to go...


  1. 1. I am thankful for the ability to do endless loads of laundry in order to get ready for a trip.

    2. I am thankful for adult conversation with one of the most awesome ladies I know.

    3. I am thankful for enchiladas!!

    4. I am thankful for chocolate peanut butter ice cream.

    5. I am thankful for the patience God has with me in the lessons He has for me.

  2. Amanda L.
    I'm thankful for Starbucks hot tea .vanilla rooibus .
    I'm thankful for having hot tea with ava .

    I'm thankful for going to a meeting tonight.
    I'm thankful for the bridges.
    I'm thankful for the discussions tonight.

  3. Bonnie Lawrence
    I am very thankful for-
    GOD's provision
    GOD's strength
    GOD's mercy
    GOD's grace
    GOD's gift to me of the perfect mate
    And the 18 years of memories we have together,
    Up, down and everything in between

  4. 1. Soooooo thankful for a good marriage
    2. For Foster parents
    3. For my sweet little former foster child who is having a rough time
    4. For God being sovereign and knowing what is best for me
    5. For my mom's homemade pumpkin pies


  5. I am definitely a few days behind - I am thankful:
    1. for being able to bring a smile to my grandma's face by sending her flowers
    2. that an old high school classmate's family is okay after losing their apartment in a fire
    3. for the kindness two strangers bestowed on my grandma
    4. for hot chocolate and marshmellows
    5. for snuggling with my daughters as we watch cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies
    6. getting to listen to my 5 year old tell me all about the first Thanksgiving
    7. my 7 year olds excitement over her first loose tooth
    8. homemade stew for dinner
    9. friends who offer encouragement and love whenever it is needed
    10. having a parent from preschool come up to me at a birthday party and tell me how much their daughter enjoys playing with my daugther at school
    11. a weekend that was fun, but relaxed
    12. the arrival of two pairs of twinkle toe shoes from santa for two special little girls
    13. for being able to help out someone else in need
    14. getting to spend time with family this week
    15. getting to hear my friends son's deep belly laugh, which i could not help but smile every time i heard it

  6. I am going to try to be thankful during these past crummy days....
    1. I am thankful for my phone
    2. I am thankful for txt so I don't always have to talk
    3. I am thankful for people who care about Toby
    4. I am thankful that Kelli would even think of doing a special nerds ministry
    5. I am thankful that God gas control of my words and tongue

  7. (1) I am thankful for the devotations I read each morning.
    (2) I am thankful for Atley wanting to help decorate.
    (3) I am thankful for cleaning my kitchen so I could decorate.
    (4) I am thankful for finding the lights for the candles I put in my windows.
    (5) I am thankful for leftover Chicken Noodle soup. (A fast and easy dinner so we could go shopping.)
    I am thankful for time to sit down and rest.

  8. 1. I am thankful that, though I am tired, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
    2. I am thankful that, though I don't want to, I CAN clean my house today.
    3. I am thankful that, though I am undeserving, He continues to bless me in the ways I always need most.
    4. I am thankful that, though I struggle with the unseen, Christ is faithful and has greater plans than I could imagine.
    5. I am thankful that, though I forget how blessed I am way too often, Jesus shows me 10,000 reasons to love and praise Him.

  9. I am so very thankful for so many things. My heart is overwhelmed with God's love and grace for me plus my favorite ministries that HE has allowed me to be a small part of : open Table, Prison Ministry, Chrysalis, Emmaus, Praise and Worship and so so much more. I just feel so very blessed today :)

  10. I am thankful for:

    1. My wife, Carrie and my kids, Sara Beth and Rachel who all make life such a joy
    2. Richard Mosqueda, a true ministry partner
    3. My dad, Papaw Ralph, who helps us all so much around the house.
    4. The ability to work and earn a living for my family.
    5. An awesome church family at Adventure Christian Church
    6. The response to my new blog
    7. God giving me more and more patience each and every day, and the many changes in and around me that has caused.
    8. For getting gas for my truck at less than $3 / gal.
    9. For my sister, Jamie, getting to come up for the weekend.
    10. For Carrie's mom and dad.
    11. For my brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Mike and Kim, and my beautiful niece, Madeline.
    12. For losing a little more weight today, slowly but surely.
    13. For great ideas for the future of our church.
    14. For two wonderful, passionate ladies at church having the heart and vision for a new disabilities ministry.
    15. For our entire staff and elders who work so hard in so many different ways to lovingly care for people week after week.
    16. For a big turkey thawing in the fridge. Yummm.
    17. That God made potatoes for us to eat.
    18. For the technology of the radio to keep me company while I drive sometimes.
    19. For Scott taking me golfing last week and getting to make two new friends.
    20. For many, many friends.

    More coming tomorrow ....

    Pastor Buddy

  11. Thankful for
    1. Friends who encourage
    2. Tea with people who care about you
    3. Easy recipes that allow me to bless others
    4. My boys' teachers
    5. Insight that God gives into the hearts and minds of my kids
    6. Christmas music (this may appear over and over on my list)
    7. A clean house
    8. God allowing me to be creative - for many reasons and many ways
    9. Candle light
    10. A hug from my husband when I need it
    11. Inlaws that I actually enjoy
    12. The color red and how it makes me feel
    13. Having friends on our street
    14. Smiles - what a blessing it is to both give and receive!
    15. Cars that are paid off and still run well

    Meredith B.

  12. 1. I'm thankful for second, third, and fourth chances.
    2. I'm thankful for the ability to learn every day.
    3. I'm thankful that God places people in my life at just the right moment.
    4. I'm thankful for legs that run, lift, and bike.
    5. i'm thankful for Sara Beth today for brightening my day with her sweet smile and words.

  13. 1. I'm thankful that my God can use my thorns for good.
    2. I'm thankful that my husband wants to pray for me and desires the very best for me.
    3. I'm thankful for family that forgives me when I'm not at my best.
    4. I'm thankful for the money to get my hair cut today.
    5. i'm thankful for the very generous and kind hairdresser that refuses to charge me full price for the amazing hair cuts she gives me.

  14. 1. i'm thankful that God provides beautiful healthy foods to eat.
    2. I'm thankful that my friend made it thru surgery successfully.
    3. i'm thankful for Anya and Gio for brightening my life.
    4. I'm thankful that God gifted me with a love of exercise, which energizes my days.
    5. I'm thankful for the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, which reminds us what is truly important.

  15. I am thankful:
    1. that God does miraculous things and allows us the privilege of experiencing them first hand - 2 jaw-dropping miracles in the last 4 days
    2. that God hears our prayers - and He answers - "Call to Me and I will answer you, and I will tell you great and mighty things, which you do not know." (Jer 33:3)
    3. for the opportunity to do a big favor for a dear friend
    4. for a reliable car - to go one more time to the grocery store for Thanksgiving supplies today
    5. that the grocery store was almost empty, when I went expecting it to be crazy :)
    6. for the Lord's provision of my husband's job
    7. for hot water for showers
    8. for dinnertime laughter
    9. for a friend following up with me on something
    10. for teenagers!!

  16. 1. For my husband who likes to be with me and do things with me
    2. For how fun it is having a 16 year old daughter
    3. That my daughters have good friends
    4. For my Mom and her encouragement
    5. For my step brother who is coming to Thanksgiving


  17. 1. I'm thankful for the great news I received from my girlfriend about her daughter!!!!! I wish this counted as 5, because I'm soooo happy!!
    2. I"m thankful for answered prayers!!! (Ok this does still relate to the above).
    3. I'm thankful that Buddy's prayer over me today did calm my thorn!
    4. I'm thankful for pure drinking water.
    5. I'm thankful for baby pictures of my teenagers!

  18. I am thankful:
    1. for having an early Thanksgiving dinner with some fab friends.
    2. for the breakfast date my husband and I have scheduled.
    3. for being able to share an example with my son on how to handle a tough situation.
    4. for snuggling with my daughter while watching a movie.
    5. for being able to catch up with my husband while he is on duty.

  19. 1. A Tuesday "Friday".
    2. My cute little students who keep me laughing.
    3. For hearing how my daughters feel about the consumer mentality at Christmas.
    4. Sneaking back into bed for a few minutes of morning snuggles with Lydia.
    5. Heartburn medication!

  20. AmandaL.
    I'm thankful for Bonnie Lawrence for her courage.
    I'm thankful for playing slug bug no take back with maddie .I'm thankful for games.
    I'm thankful for going to Wal-Mart with the girls.
    I'm thankful for advice from a friend.

  21. 1. A warm bed.
    2. A roof over my head.
    3. Food to eat.
    4. My truck.
    5. Children that I get to teach each day.


  22. 1) I am thankful for the opportunity to have dinner and see a movie with my daughter and her friend tonight.
    2) I am thankful that my husband often says a little prayer with me before he leaves for work.
    3) I am thankful that my daughter and son hung out for a couple of hours together this afternoon before he left for the evening with his friends.
    4) I am thankful that I am gradually able to start working out again because my sprained lower back is healing.
    5) I am thankful that a friend of mine is able to come over to our house for Thanksgiving.

  23. 1. A laid back manager
    2. Smiles
    3. That God kept me centered all day
    4. Safety in today's storms
    5. Frozen sorbet with the family
