Wednesday, January 16, 2013

January 16th

Tonight, I am thankful for...

1. My hubby praying for me this morning
2. A nap
3. Matthew 11:28 showing up again and again
4. Praying for others
5. Being prayed for
6. God guiding the tea planning, especially since it seems to be different than what we expected
7. Email issues that helped give some clarity
8. Seeing God at work
9. Reminders of God's faithfulness in the past
10. Timely text
11. Hubby helping clean up
12. Lysol
13. Bible study starting
14. The power of God's word
15. The reminder that God is peace
16. A new computer
17. My hubby working so hard to get it set up for me
18. Quick computer training
19. Boys sleeping soundly
20. The ability to choose thankfulness
21. Good news from a dear friend

Here's to 10,000 more reasons...


  1. I am thankful for :
    Giant Concordances
    Bright colored markers
    God speaking thru scriptures

    Bonnie Lawrence

  2. 1. Stairs
    2. Inspiring others
    3. Being inspired by others
    4. Search engines
    5. Having lots of work
    6. Bologna Sandwiches
    7. Planning
    8. Random kindness of others
    9. Keeping Resolutions so Far
    10.Learning how to Draw
